Dream 03-12-14 Too Much

Too Much

dreamSeveral things are happening at once. I have to take my dog in for a license, and I need to get to a class to see the prof and let him know why I haven’t been to class, so I can still get credit for it. Attendance is not necessary, but I have to let him know why and get him to sign a paper. I am thinking he will be able to tell I’ve been sick and unable to attend.

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Dream 12-22-11 Skipping Class

Skipping class and Beach Balloons

dreamI am a student at a university campus. I’m in a kind of crisis about classes – don’t want to go, just can’t seem to find the interest or energy. I’ve just skipped one class and am debating about going to the next. I’m talking with another student, and she is feeling the same, so is sympathetic, says she feels the same way, why bother?

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Dream 01-28-2011 Creativity Class

Creativity Class

dreamI am sitting around in an apartment (mine?) trying to decide whether to go to class at the University. I don’t much feel like going, am thinking maybe today I will just skip it – then as I look at my schedule, I realize that this class is one I missed last week, also – and last week, being the first week of the term, was the day to get the info on what tools and books are needed, as well as the itinerary for the class. I realize I have no idea what to study, and if I don’t go, I’ll not be able to follow the class at all, because I won’t know what to study on my own.

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