Dream 05-06-2014 Movie Night

Movie Night

dreamI am in a movie theater, with a boyfriend. (I’m in my mid 20’s) We are watching the latest blockbuster, a movie I wanted to see, but I would have preferred watching it at home on Bluray, as there are fewer distractions. I do plan to do so, since the movie is one that is thought provoking and I want to absorb it without distraction. For this reason, I am trying not to pay much attention to the movie, as I don’t want to know what happens in any details.

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Dream 10-18-11 Taken


dreamWe are being taken away. I am a young woman – actually the age tends to vary, but mostly young, in my 20s. I have a male friend (boyfriend?) and he has his things in another place, so we hug and say goodbye, each hoping to see the other again, but we have no time for long goodbyes, we have to each do what we can to get on the ship in time. I watch him leave, a certain pang in my heart, hoping he makes it.

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