Dream 03-14-14 Chinese Tale

Chinese Tale


I am visiting in China and our host is telling us of an ancient Chinese tale about a young woman of royalty that was in danger. Her father was a target of an opposing faction, and they were chasing her, trying to find her and kill her as she was the only person living left in that line. We are in the manor house of the castle where this took place, though it’s not like a European castle, definitely Chinese in motif.

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Dream 01-31-12 Midnight


It’s late, around 11:30 pm, and Marcel drops by. Apparently he is waiting for a phone call on Skype, something important. I’m not happy and he can see it, but I let him come in.

scotch2He has brought a bottle of Scotch with him, and he pours us each a drink. We talk awhile, no phone call. I ask him if he’s sure about the call, he says yes. I tell him if he hasn’t gotten the call by midnight, he must leave. He says he understands. Midnight arrives, and I tell him he has to leave.

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